Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mini Shoe and Tight Update

Here's the information from the Mini Shoe and Tight Update sheet:

Jazz/Tap/Hip Hop - Capezio convertible or footed - Suntan
Lyrical - Capezio stirrup tights - Suntan
Ballet (recital only) - TBD

Shoes -
Jazz - Bloch  S0401G Super Jazz - Tan
Tap - Black lace-up/oxford-style shoes - brands and styles I've found are: Capezio Tapster, SoDanca TA04, Dance Now Student Tap Oxford
Lyrical - Dance Paws (DP1 without padding, not DPP with padding)
Production - TBD. Miss Andrea will be picking out tennis shoes.
Ballet (recital only) - pink ballet shoes

Hair -
Miss Tracy says, "It's time to let hair grow a bit. Hair that reaches the bottom of the neck/top of the shoulders will be a good length. Keeping everyone's hair approximately the same length will help them look more uniform. We will be working on hair at the lock-in."

Note: Releve may or may not have items in stock at this time. Tracy sent over the list so that it will be available for the TDAA shopping day on Saturday, Nov 21 at 5pm.

Releve has a 31% off sale on Halloween from 3-5pm as well.

New Blog for Mini Company Info!

I was trying to think of a place to put information for Mini Company this year, and this came to mind! Everyone should have access! My plan is to post the upcoming schedule each month, along with the company information as it comes out from Tracy - assuming she doesn't object!

I'll probably also add other dance-related information - links to some good online dance shops, or local/in-state conventions and competitions, hotel information for upcoming events, etc. Hopefully, this will be an ongoing resource for all things dance for our group.